I got in trouble with the law 20 years ago. I served 18 months in the penitentiary and am unemployed. A lot of places turned me away for housing, for jobs…
I got what I needed and more at Sarah’s Circle. As if getting a job isn’t hard enough, getting one with a criminal record is even harder. So I came here for employment resources. Got resume help, employment info, access to phone and internet, interview clothes… We get the help we need: a shower, a locker, we can do laundry and be fed. The door is always open and there are lots of staff willing and able to help or else they will direct us to the help we need. The case managers show no prejudice. You can tell there is equality here. The atmosphere here made me feel motivated and safe.
Everything Sarah’s Circle does is genuine and out of love. My needs are not ignored here. It’s made a big impact for me and my daughter. We can get shoes, we can get clean… I’m not bitter and I’m not sad anymore. I just want my life.