“Volunteers don’t realize the impact when they come. It’s not just food and eating—it’s relationships. These sweet ladies cook us a good meal and talk to us.”
Sarah’s Circle client
Since our founding, volunteers have been essential in our efforts to end homelessness for women. Your service will make a tremendous impact on a woman who needs your support.
Individual Volunteer Opportunities
If you have any immediate questions about individual volunteering, please email volunteer@sarahs-circle.org.

Group Volunteer Opportunities
Make a meaningful impact by volunteering as a group!
Sarah’s Circle has various opportunities to connect groups of volunteers to our mission. These opportunities provide Sarah’s Circle with a tremendous amount of support. By volunteering within our programs you will gain a deeper understanding of our work and make a meaningful impact in the lives of women facing homelessness. We have opportunities every day of the week!
Provide crucial support to Sarah’s Circle by contributing and serving a healthy meal for groups of 50. For more information about this volunteer opportunity, please review the Meal Service Description. To coordinate donating a meal please reach out to Development Manager Jojo Palmer at jpalmer@sarahs-circle.org and indicate 3 date preferences.
Supplement our food program by providing pre-made sack lunches for women at Sarah’s Circle. Quantities of at least 20 bagged lunches are required. For more information about this volunteer opportunity, please review the Sack Lunches description and contact Jojo Palmer at jpalmer@sarahs-circle.org.
Sarah’s Circle greatly appreciates your interest in supporting women in need. Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, we have an overabundance of commonly donated in-kind items such as toiletry kits and menstrual products, along with limited staff time to pick up, organize and distribute donations. Please contact Jojo Palmer at jpalmer@sarahs-circle.org before organizing a donation drive to ensure your efforts can most effectively serve women in need. More information is available at the PDF linked here: Donation Drive – Winter 2024.
For Corporations:
Additionally, Sarah’s Circle requests that corporations wishing to run a donation drive also make a monetary donation, create a fundraising team for our annual Winter Walk event, and/or allow a member of our staff to come speak to your employees, to foster a more meaningful partnership between our organizations. For more information on partnering with Sarah’s Circle, please reach out to jpalmer@sarahs-circle.org.
Information for Corporations:
Lead a workshop of your choice for the women at Sarah’s Circle. Please review and complete the Workshop Leader Volunteer Application.
Interested in having someone from Sarah’s Circle come speak to your group about our mission and ways to get involved? Reach out to Development Manager Jojo Palmer at jpalmer@sarahs-circle.org for more information.